Alzamil Metal is a steel related industry pioneer in multiple aspects, offering all kinds of products and services, as well as consultancy.
Over the years, Al Zamil Metal has been involved in a range of projects, both big and small, and has performed to great acclaim, as is clear from the numerous letters of appreciation the company has received from different customers.
We are proud of our unblemished reputation for quality service and the work that left untold numbers of satisfied clients, many of whom required special and unique engineering, fabrication and installation solutions.
We bring to our clients the project management strengths and proven track record as one of the best design, fabrication and installation contractors within the Middle East. Our managers are trained to be clients-oriented and consider quality as an important matter.
We, Alzamil Metal, proudly call ourselves a learning organization,
We, Alzamil Metal, proudly call ourselves a learning organization, an organization that does not reach an end, but always looks for new beginnings.
We believe that there is no limitation to human development, and our most precious asset is the human capital. Dedicated toward supremacy in what we do, we never hesitate to look for better ways to conduct our business, better technology, extensive in house and external training , and capitalizing on quality, safety and speed.
Our Vision
To become consistently the Middle East Market Leader on delivering the most technologic advanced Storage Solutions, within the best practice of the sector in terms of Quality, Engineering solutions, Safety and excellence on Execution and Commitment.
Our Mission
To deliver to the industrial sector of Saudi Arabia and Middle East markets the most advanced Turn-Key Storage Solutions and other industrial capabilities to the Water & Oil & Gas sectors.
Our strategy

Our strategy is designed to maintain our position as the Storage Solutions leading company for the long-term in Saudi Arabia, with our main two flagship products: Storage Tanks and Pressure Vessels. enabling us to deliver value to shareholders and all stakeholders, in a rapidly demanding Saudi economy development, where Storage Solutions demand will continue to rise, on numbers, on geographic expansion and as well as on more sophisticated products. Read more…
Abdullah Alzamil Trading & Contracting Establishment AL Zamil Metal were found by Shaikh Abdullah Ibrahim Alzamil in 1980.
He then started his own establishment Alzamil Metal on 1401 H (1980), while he was still running the family business; subsequently, he decided to sell his shares to start his own independent factory which is known as Al Zamil Metal in 1987.
Alzamil Metal had received the Certification for the 1st 9Com from Saudi Aramco. Currently, Al Zamil has 11 9Coms Certificated from Saudi Aramco.
Alzamil Metal concluded a relevant investment on Welding capabilities which have propelled efficiency, productivity on its Projects ahead.
SWCC & NWC has certified ALzamil Metal for full EPC contracting in the biggest Storage Tanks being built in Saudi Arabia. Also that same year, Alzamil Metal was awarded tens of USD million contracts on Saudi Aramco flag-ship project of Marjan.
Alzamil Metal concludes 2 land mark projects in Gizan Refinery & Industrial Complex of Saudi Aramco and in Waad AL Shamal with NWC.
Alzamil Metal under preparation to become a Closed Joint Stock Company.